Monday, June 2, 2008

Never really thought of it that way...

For some reason I thought I commented on the last class. Maybe I had a dream about it or something! Weird...

Anyways, as I read the assigned reading for today I thought about the issues discussed during our last class in terms of sentencing and the death penalty. I think it is very interesting that usually more men favor the death penalty over women. It definitely seems connected with gendered behaviors and especially the socialization of violence between genders. In regards to women serving as judges, I did not realize the obstacles that they can face. I loved (as in appreciate not actually liking the process) the notion of the "gatekeeping" system that obviously favors men. While reading and discussing themes like this, I frequently ask myself why other people do not see the problem in this? Why is it that we must take a class to formally recognize the oppressive behaviors???? Why is it that men who go to law school do not seek justice for their female counterparts? We have been asking all term "who's justice?" and it is evident at this point that the only people who actually get justice are the rich white men of the world! Damn the white male privilege!

As I continue my studies in sociology and women's studies I often get an overwhelming feeling of frustration and sadness at the close of a term. On one hand it is good because I try to turn my feelings into perseverance to continue in the future, but on the other hand-I'm depressed and exhausted and angry!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Keep you head up! You're doing an amazing job and you're truly inspirational in your masterful balancing of work, family and school. I'm excited to see where your interests will take you and I know that you will go so far!