Sunday, June 1, 2008

What is it about the Law and Order?

I wonder what it is exactly that draws us to Law and Order? What makes it more addicting than the other crime dramas? I have heard that it is because the show focuses on the cases, not the characters, but I am pretty attached to some of the characters too. Whatever it is, I hope the new cast works out, because I don't know what I would do with my Memorial and Veteran's Days without Law and Order marathons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am definitely attached to the characters! I think they make the show so great! I also think that the issues covered in many episodes are issues that often go undiscussed among people in informal settings. Television at least provides a way to familiarize ourselves with social problems in a way that can be comforting (or entertaining?). BUT we have seen how this has an effect on our perception as well in terms of the patriarchal reverse. At least we are not hooked on shows like Jerry Springer or Bridezilla right? ;)