Monday, April 14, 2008

Consent-April 7

Last year I took WS 270: Violence Against Women. As part of the class students had to do an activism project. For my project I gave a presentation to my sorority sisters on some of the key topics we'd discussed in class. One of the issues I felt was really important to cover dealt with sexual assault and the issue of consent to sex when alcohol is involved. Here are some of the statistics I used in the presentation to highlight the severity of the situation:

55% of female students and 75% of male students involved in acquaintance rape admit to having been drinking or using drugs when the incident occurred.

90% of all campus rapes occur when alcohol has been used by either the assailant or the victim.

As many as 70% of college students admit to having engaged in sexual activity primarily as a result of being under the influence of alcohol, or to having sex they wouldn't have had if they had been sober.
(Adapted from Facts on Tap, "Risky Relationships,")

Many people don't consider alcohol to be a date rape drug but IT IS!!! That's why I am glad this last episode focused on the issue of rape, alcohol and whether one can actually consent to sex while under the influence. It saddens me that men are often not held accountable for their sexual aggressions towards women under the influence since alcohol tends to create this gray area in regards to the issue of consent. I have always found it very hard to comprehend how any man could think that if a woman would not have sex with him while she is sober that it is ok to then make a pass at her when she is intoxicated. Sex under the influence never equals consensual sex (in my opinion) and yet it seems like society and the law, for the most part, have a difficult time coming to this obvious (in my opinion) conclusion. Unfortunately, this is why we women must to take precautionary steps in order to protect ourselves and each other when alcohol is involved in any situation that can place us at risk of being taken advantage of while under the influence. These steps can include things like employing the buddy system for trips to the bathroom and always leaving a party/social gathering with the same group you came with. It's always good to remember that you can still have a good time while being safe! :) -Jennifer

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