Sunday, April 27, 2008

This gets personal!

Well I have to comment on a personal level...

I often relate things (well pretty much everything) to my personal life and struggles I have overcome. Who doesn't right? If we are a classroom of seven including professor Shaw, that means at least one of us has been or will be abused. SAD and DEPRESSING to think about, but very realistic.

This episode was disturbing on many levels. Mainly for me it was the sociopathic traits of the father/husband/creep/dickhead...whatever we want to call him. Although I have not been physically abused or raped, I have gone through a horrible messy thing of emotional abuse. I don't even call it a relationship anymore- it definitely was not. The father of my second daughter came into my life as the "perfect man" and we were together and falling in "love" blah blah blah. EVERYONE including me thought he was amazing! But slowly, he started isolating me from my friends and then my family. He was manipulative and a liar to say the least. He was in many ways similar to the man on this show. He was very possessive about his things - about me and even our baby when I was pregnant. Did I mention he was extremely attractive too??? I had no clue what was happening to me, until he straight up left me when I was 6 months pregnant. Since then, he has shown me many psychotic characteristics and it is still hard to convince people of his true nature. I have to tell myself sometimes that I am not the crazy one!

Well going back to the show...I think the topic of domestic violence is a great message to send to viewers. Obviously, it can impact people on many levels as we have all exhibited.

The two women police officers made a comment about domestic abusers being so similar as if they are reading out of a text book, well I am wondering...can the women have a text book too? Like how to avoid this type of man, how to get help, etc????? Apparently we need it at an early age because by the time we get to college and take a women's studies class it may be too late!

Thanks for letting me share and sorry if you know too much about me now!


Katie said...

That is not too much information at all! Thanks for sharing and stay strong! You are doing an amazing thing by staying in school and raising your daughters! Know that you are amazing and doing a monumental task! He did not deserve you and you are in no way crazy! Put that in the textbook for girls :)

Katie said...

Also, you are pretty much a saint for watching Hannah Montana. My 15 year old brother loves that show and I can't even watch one episode! He'd probably be mortified if he knew I let you all know that, but oh well! :)

Anonymous said...

Haha that's pretty endearing about your little brother though. Thanks for the confidence booster! :)