Thursday, April 24, 2008

april 21st class

The episode that we watched had that factor where you just want to jump into the tv and punch the bad guy! Seriously, that lady's husband was such a slimy sleez ball creep and he had everyone fooled into thinking he was some great dad/husband. That is the sickest part is that while this woman was being abused and tormented there really would not have been anyone that believed her cause everyone was under that guy's spell...... and could they have cast a cuter kid! I loved the end when he says "you killed Jill" i was like YAY!!! i actually did not remember the details of that episode it had been awhile since I had seen it so that was fun to see "an oldie but a goodie"

Also, that episode brings up a good point on the "whose justice" issue when the domestic violence shelter was not able to help the woman and her kid escape because the kid was not her biological child.... just want to scream BUT HE'S A VICTIM TOO!! its hard because i would think that a shelter like that would want to protect the victims (mainly women and children) but then they can't help too much, like in this instance, without violating some law.... things like that sort of seem like a slap in the face to protecting victims because its saying "we will help, but only if... (insert series of ridiculous criteria)"

the guest speakers were really interesting, like always :) it was interesting to hear about their experiences in the police department and it also got me thinking that some (woman) design student needs to create a line of clothing for women police officers and, probably firefighters (because I don't imagine women fire fighters have it much better in so far as having properly fitting/tailored clothing) that's a business idea someone needs to jump on... because it's ridiculous that women police officers (and sheriffs) don't have properly made clothing because they are women!


Katie said...

Custody is a very touchy issue. Should one guardian be favored? A family member? What if, like in this epsiode, the love comes from a non-biological relation? It is so hard to see who humans connect too. I wanted to kick the Dad too! He's such a bum and slimy!

Allison said...

I think that generally with custody the goal is to make sure the child is with someone that can care for it "best" sometimes that's a family member or a designated guardian, or the state (foster care etc) but in this episode it was sad cause clearly the step-mom was the only person concerned with the child's welfare and so she should have had custody and been able to escape with him (without the kidnapping issues).... it just makes you want to shake people and go WHO IS THINKING OF THE CHILD!!! arrrrrggggg i could never be a social worker i would break all the rules

Anonymous said...

Here here to breaking all the rules! I would do the same! I think that sadly, people in that line of work probably get desensitized to the issues they face on a daily basis. Not that they lack any care at all, but their hands are tied and they have to be able to go home and sleep at night. :(

Katie said...

Many of the social workers also work with case overload and can't handle so many kids' situations. Our system should be designed to support them, not let them fall through the cracks. It is the Who's Justice question again, right? Why can't we figure this out as a society? I realize I say that from my position of priviledge, but I would love to see some real change!