Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rapist Tshirts cont...

In regards to Katie mentioning that rapists should wear t shirts I went about a quick google search (out of curiousity) and I found this. This is actually a t shirt that was sold online! I understand the playful humor and it is clever, but wow! What a way to minimize a person being raped into a trivial and comical event. I don't like it. :(


Katie said...

Wow! I don't like it either. It really minimizes the seriousness of a terrible crime and tries to make light of a situation that never includes laughter. I definitely didn't mean to diminish rape with a t-shirt; just that it would be nice if women didn't have to be leery of everyone. However, rapists can tragically be anyone, which is why it is sometimes referred to as sexual terrorism. People make jokes to make tense situations lighter, but perhaps there are some situations that shouldn't be made light of.

Katie said...

Also, all of these mascots are male. What message does that send? Men do experience rape, but not in near the numbers that women do. Also, it shows that women aren't often spokespeople for products. Interesting...