Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May 19th Class

again, like always, LOVED THE SPEAKER!!!!! her story about the eyewitness was horrible because you know that a lot of times if there's an "eyewitness" i think juries can be just totally swayed by one person that saw something and a lot of times i am sure that those people are correct in what they saw, but there are so many ways that memory can be effect and altered. I know just day to day in seeing things and then trying to recall them its hard, i can't imagine being in a crime or witnessing one and then trying to recall that because you would be all cracked out on adrenaline and fear and then the PRESSURE to be a "good witness" i think that can have a real impact on what people "remember"

i am doing a project in a class about memory and being an eyewitness and i am going to show a clip of something (maybe a car wreck or a crime) and then ask people a few minutes later what they can recall from that and see what they describe and then compare that again with the video clip... i think that should be interesting

the episode was great (hello its L&O when is it ever NOT good!) and it really just made me think, ok why do we even care that these people are lesbians.... i mean they are PARENTS and GOOD PARENTS i mean so many children would be happy to have GOOD PARENTS i dont think kids would care much if it was two moms or two days.... i hate it when people say that a family is only a mom and a dad WHY??? there are sooo many dysfunctional "traditional" families that it take a true hypocrite to say that the nuclear family is the ONLY way to have a family.

for me, I dont care at all about people's preference for anything as long as they dont harm other people/create victims in their wake... why cant people just let others do their thing (in this episode be a lesbian couple with a child)...

one of my friends is a female-to-male transgender and when he was going through the early parts of his transition (around the time i met him) i tried to explain his situation to someone and the FIRST THING THEY ASKED was a "below the waist" question and i was like "he doesnt ask whats in my pants i dont ask whats in his pants" and what bothered is that people cant just be like "oh ok cool" they have to act like anything not "straight and normal" is completely foreign and weird... uggg it bothers me

there are just so many other things to me angry/upset about in the world that what people do in their private lives is not on my list at all....

but also in the episode it did bother me that the child was given to child services, i think that maybe either of the women's parents could have taken the child in... she had grandparents that were available and wanted to help her... so i dont think that was a good decision for the child... again.. whose justice? that girl lost her mom and her other mom is going to jail and instead of being with family she is with child services? i did not like that, but sadly i know that happens.... :(

again, GREAT CLASS!!! see everyone in week 10! have a great 3-day weekend!

1 comment:

Katie said...

The kids often seem to be the biggest losers in these episodes. Where IS their justice?